Madagascar Fourth Largest Island

Madagascar is an island nation in the Indian Ocean, off the south eastern coast of Africa. The main island also called Madagascar which is the fourth largest island in the world and is home to five percent of the worlds plant and animal species. Most notable are the lemur of primates, the carnivorous fosse, three endemic bird families and six endemic baobab species.


Despite its location close to the African continent, the first human settlers of Madagascar appear to have come from Asia, rather than Africa. The culture shows the influence of both Africa and Asia.

The Malagasy language is of Malaya Polynesian origin and is generally spoken throughout the island. French is spoken among the educated population of this former French colony. English, although still rare, is becoming more widely spoken. Indians in Madagascar descend mostly from traders who arrived in the newly independent nation looking for better opportunities. The majority of them came from the west coast of India known as Muslim and Hindu. The majority speak Hindi or Gujarati, and though some other Indian dialects also exist a large number of the Indians in Madagascar have a high level of education, particularly the younger generation, which attempts to contribute their knowledge to the development of Madagascar.

Madagascar has got several microclimates due to the variation of the altitudes and its regional ecosystems. The seasons are mainly divided into two main periods. The rainy season from November to March and the dry season from April to October. The length of each period varies from one region to another one.

A holiday in Madagascar is unique, with its rich flora and fauna of such amazing variety and diversity that can be found nowhere else on earth. The warm and friendly people of Madagascar are African and Asian, proud to be from such a racially diverse, culturally rich country.

Madagascar gives rise to its astonishing biological diversity and remarkable scenery. Its of coastline is made up of mangrove reserves, stunning white sandy beaches, crystal clear waters, uninhabited land and coral reef. Madagascar has indeed been geographically blessed.

Madagascar is often referred to as the eighth continent, made up of endemic flora, fauna and wildlife species. It is most famous for its 50 species of lemurs these bright eyed mammals are often seen along with geckoes and chameleons.

Whale watching season is from July to September when humpback whales come into the St Marie channel to mate and give birth. Take part in the observation and preservation of humpback whales in the Indian Ocean.

It is incredibly unspoilt and offers adventure, beautiful beaches and deserts.

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