BAOMIX, Organic Baobab Dried Fruit Pulp Novel Food

The natural antioxidant properties of BAOMIX play an essential role in combating free radicals, the proliferation of which contributes to the premature aging of cells.  These antioxidants are integral to various metabolic processes, such as collagen production, the synthesis of hormones (steroids), and the production of connective tissue and neurotransmitters.

Ultimate natural antioxidant food
– 3 times more calcium than milk
– 7 times more vitamin C than oranges
– 44% fiber, rebalancing the intestinal flora
– Retrieve and / or maintain good vitality

Ascorbic acid, also found in BAOMIX, improves the body’s ability to assimilate and distribute calcium and iron.
BAOMIX is especially recommended for anyone who desires to rebuild or maintain his or her good health:  seniors, children going through growth spurts, students, and athletes.  BAOMIX is a dietary supplement, and should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet.

Baomix the baobab fruit pulp
Baomix the baobab fruit pulp

100% organic and gluten free, BAOMIX is made by separating the naturally dried skin from the interior pulp of the fruit.
Directions:  Dissolve two teaspoons in a glass of water, fruit juice, iced tea, milk or yogurt one to two times daily.  Try it also as a breakfast tonic by adding two teaspoons to a cup of hot chocolate in the morning.  You can find more recipes at BAOMIX.COM.
Ingredients: 100% organic pulp of baobab (Adansonia digitata).  With a sweet and tangy taste, the pulp contains thiamine (vitamin B1) and riboflavin (vitamin B2), both essential to the regeneration of skin stem cells, and niacin (vitamin B3), which plays in important role in various metabolic functions.  Baobab pulp is naturally rich in minerals—calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and zinc—and in several essential amino acids.
2 teaspoons of BAOMIX contain 44% of your required daily fiber, of which 22.4% is soluble and 22.6% insoluble.  Soluble fiber balances and fortifies your intestinal flora, which helps to facilitate healthy digestion.
An excellent complement to an active diet, 100 grams of BAOMIX contains seven times more vitamin C (300 mg) than an equal quantity of orange and three times more calcium (295 mg) than milk.
Store in a cool dry place.
Composition of 100 grams of baobab fruit:  75.6% carbohydrates, 2.3% protein, 0.27% lipids and 300 mg vitamin C.

Origin Senegal, distributed by company AGOJI France

Laboratoire Biologiquement

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The use of the baobab fruit by a London-based chef, cooking with baobab .


We are constantly subjected to media reports detailing the detrimental effects of obesity, poor nutrition, and disease on people across the globe. Can something as simple as changing your diet help to provide a solution?

Eating the right foods has been recommended for years as a course of action to correct many health problems. The pulp of the baobab fruit, sometimes referred to as a superfruit, contains many nutritious properties that are helpful to the human body. Combined with a sweet and tangy taste, the result is an ingredient that can add some zing to your food and some energy to your body.
Baobab nutritional information

According to PhytoTrade Africa, baobab fruit pulp has the following characteristics:

-High natural Vitamin C content (at least 150mg/100g).
-Strong antioxidant properties: Integral Antioxidant Capacity (IAC) – 11.1 mmol/g. This value is significantly higher than that of an orange pulp (IAC = 0.103 mmol/g), and grape seed Oligomers (IAC = 10.25 mmol/g).
-A natural source of minerals including Calcium (293 mg/100g), Phosphorus (96-118 mg/100g), Iron (7-8.6 mg/100g) and Potassium (2.31 mg/100g).
-Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and Vitamin B3 (niacin).
-High levels of pectin (23%), making it a useful binding and thickening agent.
-Gelling and viscosity modification.
-Soluble and insoluble dietary fibres with prebiotic effects.
-The acidulous taste is attributed to the presence of organic acids, such as citric acid, malic acid and succinic acid.

Uses for baobab fruit pulp

PhytoTrade Africa has done quite a bit of work to develop and lobby for the baobab fruit industry. Some recommendations from them for using baobab fruit pulp include its use in product formulation to provide nutritional fortification, flavor enhancement, viscosity and texture modification, and as a source of dietary fiber and nutrients.

Additional potential lies in using baobab fruit pulp in the following applications:

-Soft drinks and beverages
-Snack bars, breakfast cereals, biscuits and snacks
-Natural fruit smoothies
-Health supplements; botanical extracts including antioxidants
-Fruit fillings, jams, sauces, puddings and desserts
-Baking products
-Various active cosmetic uses, including antioxidants for anti-aging, skin tightening, moisturizers, and hair and nail strengthening products

Laboratoire Biologiquement

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