Superfruit Baobab

Baobab is a fruit from Africa that has recently been approved for use in the EU and UK. The baobab super-fruit is naturally dehydrated. It grows on the African baobab tree, and is encased in a thick hard shell. The fruit pulp itself is white, and is clumped around seeds and red fibers inside the shell.

Baobab Madagascar tree

The fruit pulp is mechanically removed from the shell and seperated from the red fiber. It has a nutty, acidic taste. Baobab pulp is only about 10% water, naturally, and contains significantly more vitamin C than oranges. The dehydrated form of the pulp means that the fruit does not need to be processed, just mechanically seperate, and use. In the EU and UK, it is intended to use baobab fruit pulp for smothies and cereal bars, amongst other possible uses.

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