New king of the superfruits? A look at the baobab
NEW KING OF THE SUPERFRUITS? A LOOK AT THE BAOBAB. Why is the baobab suddenly on the radar of health foodies worldwide? The baobab is considered a superfruit high in calcium, vitamin C and antioxidants. After lobbying by a fair trade organization,...
The Many Wonders of the Baobab Fruit
A recent article in The Guardian highlights the use of the baobab fruit by a London-based chef who is very excited about the use of baobab in cooking. "It is a wonderful fruit!" rhapsodises Antonio Perez, who spent many years travelling...
Il Baobab in Italia, prodotti che contengono baobab
Costituenti: Aminoacidi e acidi grassi essenziali Minerali: calcio, fosforo, ferro, potassio, sodio, magnesio, zinco, manganese Vitamine: Vit. C, Vit A, Vit B1-B2-B6, Vit PP Carboidrati: glucosio, fruttosio, saccarosio, maltosio,...
African ‘tree of life’ recast as European superfruit
In Senegal, villagers have always known about the health benefits of baobab fruit, which only now have been discovered by Europe in what could spell magic for localities like Fandene. The ancient, hardy species also known...
Reaping a few bob with the baobab
Fruit has a tart, zesty taste - some say like sherbet. It is highly nutritious, and might be imbued with the souls of dead chieftains. If you live in Europe, it could be headed to a smoothie near you. The baobab tree - thick-trunked icon...
Hot nutrition trend for 2009 — the baobab?
What makes a fruit a superfruit? We earlier listed the ideal traits -- a superfruit should have a hard-to-pronounce name, be unfamiliar to Westerners, come from far, far away and have been used in native medicine. It should also be...
Aceite de Baobab para cara y cuerpo
Aceite de Baobab para cara y cuerpo La semilla del Baobab: Representa una parte importante en la composición del fruto (cerca del 40%). Está formado por un sutil epicarpio (externo) con un endocarpio (interno) blanco y...
Baobaböl (Adansonia Digitata Seed oil)
Baobaböl (Adansonia Digitata Seed oil) Der Baobabbaum gehört zur Familie der Bombacaceae, der Kapok- oder Wollbaumgewächse, und prägt aufgrund seiner außergewöhnlichen Form die Landschaften, in denen er wächst. Der Baobabbaum ist...
БАОБАБА МАСЛО /Adansonia digitata L/
БАОБАБА МАСЛО /Adansonia digitata L/ Ботаническое название: Adansonia digitata L Синонимы:Baobab Seed Oil, Adansonia digitata seed oil, Африканский Баобаб, Баобаб...
Produit antioxidant anti-cancer naturel puissant
Les plantes rares du laboratoire
- CBD cannabinoïde légal en France
- La baie de goji pour la vitalité
- La feuille de graviola corossol anti-cancer
- L'artemisia annua, une plante anti-cancer
- Le fruit de baobab bio antioxydant
- La fleur d'hibiscus pour la circulation sanguine
- La baie cranberry bio contre les infections urinaires
- La baie d'açaï biologique pour la perte de poids durable
- Le ginkgo biloba bio pour la mémoire
- Le moringa bio riche en éléments nutritifs
- La maca bio contre l'impuissance
- L'huile baobab bio en prévention des vergetures
- La spiruline bio riche en oligo-éléments
- Les mûres blanches riches en fer contre l'anémie
- La nigelle du laboratoire Biologiquement