Baobab Oil benefits
Baobab Oil Properties: Skin Softening Skin Restructuring Quick absorption Improves the elasticity of the skin Encourages regeneration of...
BAOMIX, Organic Baobab Dried Fruit Pulp Novel Food
The natural antioxidant properties of BAOMIX play an essential role in combating free radicals, the proliferation of which contributes to the premature aging of cells. These antioxidants are integral to various metabolic processes, such as...
Baomix, die Kraft des Baobas, Bio baobab fruchtfleisch. (de)
Baomix, die Kraft des Baobas, Bio baobab fruchtfleisch. Die natürlichen antioxydantischen Eigenschaften des Baomix spielen eine wesentliche Rolle im Kampf gegen die freien Radikalen, die für die vorzeitige Alterung der Zellen...
Superfruit Baobab
Baobab is a fruit from Africa that has recently been approved for use in the EU and UK. The baobab super-fruit is naturally dehydrated. It grows on the African baobab tree, and is encased in a thick hard shell. The fruit pulp itself is white,...
Baobab Super fruit
In July 2008, the EU gave baobab fruit Novel Foods approval, legalising its use as a food ingredient for European manufacturers. Baobab fruit pulp is rich in vitamin C, calcium, potassium and phosphorus, and is pro-biotic, stimulating the growth...
Baobab Fruit pulp Powder
The first natural bio complex created, dehydrated and stabilized by nature Adansonia Digita, or Baobab, bears fruits once a year, which are then harvested by the local community. The Fruit pods contain seeds, red funicles and naturally...
BAOMIX, 泉能猴面包树果肉粉
바오밥나무 과육 가루 “바오믹스”
달콤하고 새큼한 과일속은 피부의 재생에 절대로 필요한 티아민 (비타민 B1)과 리보플라빈 (비타민 B2) 및 수많은 대사 기능 조절에 효과가 있는 니아신 (비타민 PP B3)...
Bột của Bao báp
bột của Bao báp SỬ DỤNG: Đối với các món cocktail hoặc nấu ăn, hoa tan hai muỗng cà phê bột trong ly nước,hay nước ép trái cây trái cây, trà đá, sữa hay sữa chua một lần hoặc hai lần...
Produit antioxidant anti-cancer naturel puissant
Les plantes rares du laboratoire
- CBD cannabinoïde légal en France
- La baie de goji pour la vitalité
- La feuille de graviola corossol anti-cancer
- L'artemisia annua, une plante anti-cancer
- Le fruit de baobab bio antioxydant
- La fleur d'hibiscus pour la circulation sanguine
- La baie cranberry bio contre les infections urinaires
- La baie d'açaï biologique pour la perte de poids durable
- Le ginkgo biloba bio pour la mémoire
- Le moringa bio riche en éléments nutritifs
- La maca bio contre l'impuissance
- L'huile baobab bio en prévention des vergetures
- La spiruline bio riche en oligo-éléments
- Les mûres blanches riches en fer contre l'anémie
- La nigelle du laboratoire Biologiquement